2015 - 2020
Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi - Faculty of Dentistry
2020 - 2023
Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi - Maxillofacial surgery
11.2023 – present
Medines MC, in capacity of oral and maxillofacial surgeon, facial aesthetician
09.2020 - 10.2023
Heratsi Hospital Complex No 1, in capacity of oral and maxillofacial surgeon, facial aesthetician
Current problems in maxillofacial surgery Armenian association of maxillofacial and oral surgery
Current problems in maxillofacial surgery (part 2) Armenian association of maxillofacial and oral surgery
Academy of pain Yerevan state medical university
Lip contour plasty Aesthetic academy
Phisiology of female endocrine system at different age periods. Age-related changes and anti-age correction Dermolife Global
“Woman 40+”. Age related changes.Inigrated approach to anti-age therapy Dermolife Global
VIVACY theory and injection technique advanced training on STYLAGE Aesthetic academy /Vivacy Paris
Amalian workshop VMedicals