
Dermatology is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the skin, hair and nails diseases. The clinic of skin diseases is quite extensive, and this is not in vain. After all, the skin is the largest organ in the human body.

Patients with skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, all kinds of fungal skin lesions, hair loss, very often with acne, seborrheic problems, etc. are increasingly turning to the dermatologists of the Medical Center «Medines».

According to statistics, every adult during life is at least once diagnosed with dermatological disease. Skin diseases vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permanent, painless or painful. Some have situational reasons, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions are minor, while others can be life threatening.

Medical Center «Medines» works hard to help people become healthier and prettier; that is why we have a modern Dermatology Department, where each patient can obtain professional consultation on troubling skin problems and sort them out once and forever. The combination therapy of skin diseases, applied in «Medines» Medical clinic, is the guarantee of treatment of not only local manifestations of the disease, but also of its cause. We have everything, necessary for operative solution of any dermatologic problem: experienced specialists, advanced equipment and huge desire to help each patient.