What are the Indications and Contraindications for Biorevitalization?

Biorevitalizationrejuvenating cosmetologic intervention is designed to restore the skin's vitality and youthful appearance. It is usually performed by injecting hyaluronic acid: originally a natural substance that is already produced in the human body. Amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants are also injected, which deeply moisturize the skin and strengthen and improve the structure and elasticity of the skin.


Indications for biorevitalization: when is it useful

Biorevitalization is a rejuvenating cosmetic surgery intended to improve the skin's quality and appearance. It is particularly advised for patients who wish to eliminate wrinkles and other aging symptoms. Not only does the operation improve the appearance of the skin, but it also effectively removes small wrinkles. The patient will see and feel the changes of smooth and moisturized skin.

Some patients also consider this procedure as a way to treat dry skin and restore dull skin. For instance, the intervention can be used to deeply nourish and moisturize skin that is prone to chronic dryness, hence reducing skin peeling. Consequently, the patient also gets rid of a tired look and acquires a healthier look.

Biorevitalization is also widely used to restore damaged skin. For example, if the patient has sun-aged skin, then with the help of Biorevitalization, it is possible to reduce pigmentation and improve the quality of it. Additionally, the procedure can improve mild scarring, such as acne scarring.


Biorevitalization and other skin procedures

In addition to restoring the quality and appearance of the skin, this procedure is also widely used after other skin procedures as a fast healing factor, such as the interventions after beauty machines. In most cases, Biorevitalization is used after laser therapy, chemical peeling, microneedling or dermabrasion, as it helps to moisturize the skin and promote faster healing.

Additionally, biorevitalization is perfect for seasonal maintenance. It helps heal sun-damaged skin in the summer and combat dryness and irritation brought on by cold temperatures in the winter. 

Sessions of biorevitalization at the Medines medical center typically take 30 to 60 minutes and are minimally invasive. The patient can resume his regular activities right after, and there is no need for a lengthy recuperation period. Results may be seen as early as the first visit, depending on the skin type, but more sessions, as in courses, are advised for comprehensive and lasting effects.


Contraindications to biorevitalization: when to avoid

Despite being a well-known and generally safe cosmetic surgery, biorevitalization should not be used in some situations. Although the procedure has no clear contraindications, it is still a cosmetic intervention and is contraindicated for pregnant women to avoid possible risks.

Another undeniable contraindication is the existence of current skin infections. For instance, bacterial infections in the treatment area or herpes. To reduce the possibility of worsening the skin's quality and generating additional issues, they must be treated entirely before doing biorevitalization.

This injection cosmetology is also contraindicated in case of autoimmune diseases, because the body's reaction may be unexpected and not positive and worsen the patient's well-being.


Relative contraindications

In addition to indisputable contraindications, there are also relative contraindications that require special attention. For example, individuals taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications may need to delay biorevitalization because such medications may increase the risk of bruising or prolonged bleeding at the injection site.

Another relative contraindication is the presence of chronic diseases: diabetes, eczema, or psoriasis. Persons with such statuses should receive the procedure only in stable health status.


The importance of medical consultation

Before the procedure, patients should speak with a trained healthcare provider who will conduct a comprehensive assessment of their medical history, present health, and any particular skin issues in order to help decide whether they are a good candidate for the surgery. The patient will also be able to explore potential risks and benefits and receive a safe and successful strategy as a consequence of open conversation with the professional.

Medines bk is located at Vardanants 110, to register for a consultation with high-quality, experienced dermatologists, you can call +374 55 505 605.