Hair transplantation

Today, hair loss is one of the most common cosmetic problems. Hair transplantation is a modern, safe and effective method of increasing the density of hair, restoring lost hair in case of baldness in men and women. Moreover, the procedure can be carried out not only to restore the quantity and quality of hair on the head. The specialists of our medical center also carry out eyebrow, beard, sideburn, and mustache transplantation.

Like other cosmetic procedures, modern hair transplant methods are the solution to overcome low self-esteem and gain back power and vitality in life by simply addressing the root of the problem. But as with any procedure, it’s important that you understand the ins and outs.

Hair transplant is a process by which hair follicles are removed from the “donor site” on one region of the body and placed on the “recipient site”, a bald or balding area. A donor material unit with one or more hair follicles used for hair transplantation is called a graft (a strip of skin containing hair).

At Medines Clinic we use only the most modern, safe, and effective hair transplant technique - FUE method.