Advanced technologies
NeoGraft® is the industry pioneer and market leader with one of the first automated FUE system in the hair restoration market. NeoGraft®'s harvesting, site-making and implantation functions make it easier for physicians to address hair loss and provide the hair restoration procedures that patients want. The inefficiencies of manual extractions and implants have been eliminated, and replaced it with advanced technology that provides patients with the benefits of the FUE procedure while also enabling physicians to perform fast, effective, safe hair transplants that yield superior clinical results. Neograft hair transplant procedure is a one-day outpatient procedure requiring only local anesthesia. The difference between the NeoGraft method and regular FUE is that with NeoGrafting, the surgeon uses a specialized tool to harvest the individual hair grafts, rather than manually selecting and extracting individual hair follicles.
During the procedure
Before the procedure begins, your surgeon will apply a topical anesthetic so that you can’t feel the hair being harvested or transplanted. You may feel pressure or a dull sensation as your doctor works, but you won’t feel pulling or pinching as your hair is moved around. During the procedure, your doctor will use an automated machine to harvest hair from your head in areas where your hair is thickest. Your doctor will be in control of the machine at all times. The process will take between 4 to 8 hours, depending on how much hair you’re having transplanted. When the transplant is complete, your head will be bandaged.
After the procedure
After the procedure, you may feel some numbness in your scalp or slight discomfort.
Within the first few hours after a NeoGraft hair transplant, your scalp will begin to form scabs. These very small scabs are a sign that your scalp is healing. It’s very important that you don’t pick at them, as this will increase the risk of infection. Scabs should fall off within 2 weeks. You will be advised not to wash your scalp for at least 24 hours post-transplant. Follow your doctor’s instructions for carefully and safely cleansing your scalp in the days of your initial recovery. You’ll also be instructed not to wear hats for several days and will need to avoid strenuous activity (such as lifting weights or intense workouts) for 2 weeks after your transplant. Depending on your level of comfort, you may return to work (if you work in an office setting) within a day or two of your procedure, although your scabs will still be visible during that time.
How soon are the results visible?
After a NeoGraft hair procedure, your hair may actually appear thinner for a few months. Between 2 weeks and 2 months after the procedure, the hair from the transplanted follicles will fall out. This is normal and does not indicate that your procedure was not a success. The American Academy of Dermatology states that hair after transplantation may be at its most thin at 3 months post-procedure. Your hair will then start to regrow naturally in the transplanted area. After 6 months to a year of regrowth, you’ll be able to see the full result of your NeoGraft transplant.
A preoperative consultation is mandatory for patients. Sometimes you may need to consult a trichologist.