Psychological Aspects of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery normally implies a modern and reliable approach to changing looks, but it has a more ingrained influence on the individual’s psychology. This results from improving one's physical self-esteem and letting go of anxieties and criticisms over one's appearance. 

In the sections that follow, we'll discuss the most prevalent type of self-esteem, which is physical self-esteem, and we'll learn how external interventions, like plastic surgery, can impact someone's psychology and well-being.


Physical self-esteem

One of the subgroups of human self-esteem is physical self-esteem, which has long been a crucial component of human emotions. Physical self-esteem, like other subgroups of self-esteem, can influence an individual's sense of well-being and lead to stress, negative self-perceptions, and despair. Sometimes, this also leads to an underestimation of the individual's abilities and skills, which is a heavier psychological pressure on one's own "I."


The advantages of plastic surgery and its psychological sides

There are different types of plastic surgeries, the most popular ones being rhinoplasty (reshaping the nose), changing the size and shape of the breast, and liposuction (excess fat removal). They have components that are better for human health and are made to boost one's physical self-esteem. In addition, people who have undergone plastic surgery often have a better quality of life and are able to express themselves in society more easily. This is also due to the improvement of self-esteem, which is one of the most important factors in the daily life of each of us. Now, let's carry out more research.


The expectations of plastic surgery

Many individuals turn to plastic surgery in Armenia and abroad to correct features of their appearance that cause them some sense of discomfort. After a successful surgery, they get rid of the source of anxiety, including years of stress. However, before surgery, it is necessary to consider all its important aspects, including realistic expectations.

A specialized treatment called plastic surgery is utilized to alter specific aspects of a person's appearance. The patient should be given an accurate picture of the intended surgical procedure at all times, including during the consultation stage.


Setting realistic expectations

In some cases, individuals who wish to receive this or plastic surgery have somewhat unrealistic expectations of the surgery. In other words, the supplied expectations following the procedure may conflict with the realistic results of the specialist intervention and lead to anxiety, disappointment, and stress. For this reason, prior to surgery, a patient must see a plastic surgery clinic and speak with a plastic surgeon.


Plastic surgery in Yerevan: Consultation and Armenian doctors

Through the very process of counseling, a person can make decisions based on the advice and opinion of knowledgeable professionals and achieve realistic results without running into the danger of mental pain or disappointment.

The majority of plastic surgeons in Armenia do a specialized consultation, which acts as a foundation for developing a broad understanding of the patient's goals and the procedure. Furthermore, in the counseling phase, the patient gets comprehensive answers from the physician about this or that issue, the professional healing process, and also learns about the surgeon's prior outcomes.

During the consultation phase, the surgeon also helps the individual understand their goals and expectations regarding the surgery. That is, at this stage, the specialist presents the individual with all the possible results of the surgery, which are largely based on the individual's unique features, structure, skin type, and of course, the type of plastic surgery chosen by the individual.


Conclusion: Plastic surgeries in Armenia

Both good and negative psychological impacts following plastic surgery may have an impact on an individual's physical self-esteem. For this reason, before undergoing any surgery, it is important to confer with the surgeon doing the procedure; to grasp all the pros and drawbacks, as well as get to know the surgeon's professional skills and expertise.

For years, Medines Medical Center has been performing plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty, face, and breast plastic surgery, as well as body plastic procedures. See the medical facility to acquire expert guidance and set reasonable goals for yourself.