Nanofat grafting

Nanofat grafting is a technology of injecting your own fat cells (cleaned, healed, crushed) into the skin according to the same principle as mesotherapy. But without the use of foreign substances such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements included in the mesotherapy cocktail, which can cause an allergic reaction, although if there is no allergy and you combine nanofat grafting with other beauty injections, you can get truly masterpiece results (proved with clinical studies). Nanofat grafting takes an intermediate place between cosmetology and plastic surgery.


How does microfat grafting differ from nanofat grafting and lipofilling?

Nanolipofilling, nanofat grafting and microfat grafting are all names for the same procedure. But the name “nanofat grafting” is used more in the West.

Lipofilling and nanolipofilling are fat tissue transplant procedures that are natural for the correction zones. Both techniques use the patient’s own fat. However, they solve different problems. With lipofilling, fat is injected into those parts of the body where it is necessary to restore or increase the volume, shape, and during nanolipofilling, a fat emulsion is injected pointwise into wrinkles or into large areas of the skin for rejuvenation, improving its quality, density, and improving tone. This allows you to correct external skin imperfections, smooth out wrinkles, remove stretch marks and scars. With nanofat grafting, the injection of fat occurs in significantly smaller quantities than with lipofilling. In addition, the preparation of fat cells is different. In nanolipofilling, fat is ground by passing it through special microfilters, because the injection during nanofat grafting is carried out with a very thin cannula, which almost does not injure the tissue.