
Rhinoseptoplasty is a combination of Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty surgeries. Nose surgery is done for either cosmetic or functional reasons. Rhinoseptoplasty is performed for both reasons – to reshape the nose so it is cosmetically more pleasing and in balance with the rest of the face and for functional purposes to improve breathing by correcting a septum that became deviated through injury, trauma, disease or sometimes a previous surgery.

Indications for rhinoseptoplasty:

1. Deformation of the nose and septum;

2. There is a congenital structural defect;

3. Nasal defect and inflammation of mucosa;

4. Chronic oedema due to a deviated septum;

5. Congestion of mucus and difficulty in breathing;

6. Painful facial area, regular headaches;

7. Psychological discomfort due to ugly, uneven nose, large asymmetrical.

Contrindications for rhinoseptoplasty:

1. Age under 17 years (in some cases exceptions are possible, for example, in the case of a trauma.

2. Age over 65 years (due to the increased risk of complications, as well as slowing healing of tissues due to weakening of regenerative processes).

3. During pregnancy.

4. Cardiovascular diseases, for example: heart failure.

5. Oncological disease.

6. Acute viral disease.

7. Diabetes mellitus.

8. Hepatitis B & C.

9. HIV.

10. Blood clotting disorder.

The average rehabilitation period is 10-14 days. After surgery, the nasal mucosa should be rinsed at least 3 times a day with saline. You can return to your preoperative physical activity level 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. It is necessary to take the medicine prescribed by your doctor to avoid possible infectious diseases.

Before surgery:

1. Do not eat after 8 pm and do not drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery.

2. Do not eat or drink anything the morning of surgery.

3. Do not wear any cosmetics the day of your surgery.

4. Remove shellac polish from the left thumb nail.

5. Leave all valuables at home; do not wear jewelry.

6. Do not take medications for a week before surgery.

7. Refrain from alcohol for one week prior to surgery.

8. Prepare comfortable clothes that will not damage your sensitive post-surgery nose by taking it off or putting it on over your head.

After Surgery:

1. You can consume liquids an hour after surgery, but little by little.

2. You can have a light meal 3-4 hours after surgery.

3. Bed rest should be observed only on the first day after surgery, and cancelled the next day.

4. Sleep with the back of your head on the pillow for about 3 weeks.

5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

6. Keeping your head elevated will minimize facial swelling.

7. Makeup may be applied 7 days after surgery.

8. You may wash your hair from the 3rd day after the surgery by tilting your head back as in a hair salon.

Final result can be seen one year after surgery.